We would like to inform you of our Terms and Conditions. Our business is unique and we encourage you to take the time to read the T&C's.
As a new customer we are pleased to offer you our unique service guarantee from FreightSafe. Be sure to complete this form as part of your customer induction.
For more information
click here
We have developed some easy to follow guidelines to help package your freight.
These guidelines will help ensure that your goods arrive safely.
For the fastest possible service, payment upfront is recommended for new customers. If you would like to trade with us more frequently, we have various options available.
If you would like to open an account with Pickering Transport Group,
click here to learn more about our credit terms and then complete our online credit application.
In order for us to match your payment in our system in the quickest possible time could you please:
⇒ Email a copy of the remittance with an invoice reference to ar@ptg.com.au.
Please be reminded that all accounts are required to be within credit terms provided.
We have just partnered with Westpac bank to give you the option of paying your accounts online directly and securely via Debit & Credit card payments.
Please read below for further information on how PayWay works, or
click here to Pay Now - instantly online
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Pickering Transport Group
BSB: 033 665
Account Number: 124682
Reference: Customer Number
Please ensure that you use your customer number as the reference for your transfer and your business name. And it is recommended to email a copy of the remittance with an invoice reference to ar@ptg.com.au.
Swan Hill - (03) 5036 0700
Mildura -
(03) 5018 3300
We now offer Direct Debit for account holders and can have their statement balance debited monthly. This is also handy if you would like to use storage facilities on a term basis.
Sign Up with Variable Schedule of Payments, and fill out our form online. All of you details are securely handled by Westpac bank and you will be notified in advance of your statement balance to be charged.
Please speak to one of our friendly staff if you would like further details.
Click here to try it now. This link will open a secure payment window where you can complete payment details.
Simply complete the online form with your customer details and be sure to include your email to receive payment receipt.
Your payment will be authorised in real time and matched in our system to provide you with a faster payment option. This will also generate confirmation of payment and a receipt number for proof of payment that you can email to our Accounts Receivable with details of the invoices/statement that you are paying.
Click here to view the Pickering Transport Group Privacy Policy.
All Debit/Credit card payments incur a merchant fee surcharge. Please
click here to read further information about the cost of acceptance for processing payments.
* Please note all freight bookings include FreightSafe warranty coverage of up to $2,500 per consignment. Visit www.ptg.com.au/freightsafe-warranty for further details. Account holders may wish to vary their coverage & sign a waiver to opt out of the program if desired. Coverage is compulsory for non account holders.
** All customers who hold an account are on 30 days End of Month (EOM) payment terms by default, unless agreed upon otherwise by PTG.
*** Service agreements or terms negotiated are only valid for 12 months from date of issue.
We monitor all customers credit ratings in real time and strictly enforce credit limits. Any accounts outside of our trading terms will be put on STOP. PTG reserve the right to close your account and enforce prepaid trading terms. Furthermore any account that is behind 2 months will be issued a final notice letter & statement. If full payment is not received within 14 days of this being issued, we will register a payment default on your credit file with CreditorWatch. You are also liable for all collection charges to pursue payment per our T&C's.
At PTG we use a service called ApplyEasy for our credit applications. The benefits of ApplyEasy for you as a new customer, is the application will pre-populate your information to save time. It then allows us to verify your business identity and assess your credit in an efficient manner. This service is powered by CreditorWatch and uses information from various business directories such as ASIC.
Please note : You will be required to list 3 Trade References which will be contacted via email.
Once you submit your application, the trade references will receive an email from
trade.references@applyeasy.com.au prompting them to fill out the following details in regards to your businesses trading history. It would be courteous for you to inform the trade references in advance, as sometimes this email can be misplaced and cause delays in opening your account.
Please Note, this is available for Account Holders only
(03) 5036 0700
Address: 52 Moulamein Rd Murray Downs NSW 2734
ABN: 24 004 651 692